Friday, November 5, 2010

To Be a Pillow

as you lay sleeping with your head on my lap
i am wishing i could watch your dreams unfold for you
but of course i cannot
they are safely ensconced within your lovely head
are they good ones?
where you get all that you deserve
and i am the man you need me to be?
do you watch us grow old together
and smile together sadly
as the little one becomes not so little?
do we walk through this long path of life
and on to the next?
soon, sleep will come for me as well
do you dream of me, angel?
for i surely will of you

To Gladly Drown

i drive a Saturn
but it's Venus who drives me
when every action is for my woman
and her smell crowds aside all thoughts in my head
her hands the scales on which i weigh decisions
and her ribs the vault that guards my treasure
her skin my appetizer, main course, and dessert
and her eyes
like twin ponds beckoning, begging, pleading
to lose me in their depths
and i answer:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Crow and Raven

what's the difference between crow and raven
when you're too busy misbehavin'
savin' cents in jugs and baskets
layin' down in rose red caskets
ask its purpose, find its truth
mourn the loss of strength and youth
forsooth! you've found a secret door!
enter, enter, sweep the floor
decor of cedar, spruce and birch
each color causes hearts to lurch
besmirch that which you once held dear
wish that it would disappear
draw near, my child, and listen up
you must sow and reap before you sup

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bigger Boat

the thin line blurs
'twixt his and hers
and throaty purrs
in the conifers
give one last breath, last push, last shove
last starlit night, last chance for love
last time to kiss, last time to bite
last chance to crush with all your might
but first let's go from shadow to light
from wrong to right
then back to wrong because that's where the fun is
that's where the bun is
overlooking the flaws
the sharpened points of your claws
the click and the clack of your ever-working jaws
and i can't help but think
as we bob and float
'we're gonna need a bigger boat'